

Service Levels Agreement (SLA)

Downtime definition

Downtime is calculated in minutes during a month:

  total min. month - downtime min. month
-------------------------------------- * 100
        total min. per month

The measurement of Downtime commences when (a) an incident severity 1 or 2 is reported by Customer to 21RISK or (b) where an outage is identified by 21RISK in the normal course of providing the Subscription Services. Downtime ends when the incident is resolved, or a feasible workaround is implemented, in accordance with the Documentation.

Downtime shall not include;

  • Any planned database maintenance, scheduled outside working hours.
  • Any outages as a result of the Subscription Services being modified or altered by the customer
  • An incident not attributable to the Subscription Services and outside of the Licensor's reasonable control, including incidents attributable to any faults or failure with Customer’s other IT systems

Downtime credits

If 21RISK does not fulfill the agreed service levels in a calendar month, the Licensor shall issue a credit to the Customer according to the following table:

Availability Credit
99,1% or higher No credit
97% - 99,0% (inclusive) 10%
95% - 96,9% (inclusive) 25%
Less than 95% 50%

The credit is calculated as a percentage of the total fees paid to 21RISK for the affected Services for that month.

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